RedHat Enterprise Linux


I picked up RedHat Linux version 4.0 around 1997. Before that, I used SCO, Interactive and other expensive, proprietary UNIX's for Intel (ATT, MicroPort, Dell UNIX, Everex ESIX, Xenix). I tried other Linux distributions but wasn't satisfied with their maturity.

RedHat was an instant winner. It installed on my hardware without much fuss and gave me a working environment comparable to my production SCO server. Over the next year, I upgraded to RedHat 5 and migrated my entire office from SCO to RedHat.

RedHat Work Experience

I have used RedHat Linux in a production environment since 1997. Here are some of the things I've done with RedHat Linux:

For the last two years, I have been working as a contract instructor for RedHat RH253/RH300 equivalent classes offered by Global Knowledge.

Linux Publications

I have been involved with two Linux publishing projects for Syngress Publishing. Here's what I've done...

I co-authored a complete rewrite of the RHCE Exam Study Guide for it's second edition. This book is more than a study guide... it offers tutorial examples that go well beyond the requirements of RHCE. I rewrote the sections on DNS, SendMail, Samba and Linux Security including IPTables and IPChains.
Hack Proofing Linux was written to show how to effectively deploy Linux in a hostile network environment (e.g.: the Internet). It covers tools that come with Linux such as the nmap port scanner and tripwire intrusion detection software. It also covers popular Open Source tools such as nessus for network intrusion detection and netfilter, software that implements Linux firewalls.
My job was to read and comment on the author's drafts to help ensure the technical accuracy of the book.

RedHat Certified Engineer - RHCE

I earned this certificate in May 2001 by sitting the RH302 exam. I completed the Installation and Troubleshooting sections with a score of 100% (I actually completed all 6 troubleshooting questions, not just the required 4). I am not quite as good at vendor recommends multiple choice questions so I didn't score perfect on the Multiple Choice component.

Overall, my RHCE test score was 96.7%.

RedHat Certified Instructor - RHCI

Sorry, no Pic! I completed an undocumented RedHat class in January 2004 and am now a RedHat Certified Instructor (RHCI). This certificate allows me to teach all RedHat content up to and including RH300.

To earn this certificate, I had to:

  • Score extremely highly on my RHCE exam (96.6%).
  • Demonstrate competence in RedHat's Enterprise Linux product line.
  • Provide documentation supporting my abilities as a high-tech trainer.
RedHat Certified Examiner - RHCX

Sorry, no Pic! I completed an undocumented RedHat class in January 2004 and am now a RedHat Certified Examiner (RHCX). This certificate entitles me to run the RH302 exam for RHCE as well as the exam for RHCT. I am now also certified to teach all of RedHat's training classes up to RH300.

Why I Like Linux

All proprietary vendors limit your right to use their products. License restrictions, expensive Client Access Licenses, inflated hardware prices, lack of after market choices and other tactics drive up your cost of computing. Enter Linux...

With Linux, the operative word is FREE. Linux's various licenses including GPL enshrine your right to use the software however you want, to support as many users, processes, devices (etc.) as you see fit without cost. By removing licensing fees as well as license maintenance and tracking chores from your to-do list and your budget, Linux literally allows organizations to save thousands upon thousands of dollars.