SCO And Open Source

I strongly disagree with SCO's attack on the Open Source community. While I still work with SCO products, I now strongly encourage my clients to adopt Open Source alternatives. My conscience will not allow me to sell products from a company who would then use the profits to attack the Open Source world.

SCO UNIXWare 2 & 7


I started working with UNIXWare at the request of a new client in 1996. The had just suffered a complete system failure and asked me to recover it. It just so happened that the system ran UNIXWare 1.1 from Novell!.

My official involvement with UNIXWare came after Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) took over the product and released it as - SCO UNIXWare 2.

SCO UNIXWare 7 Experience

I earned UNIXWare authorization in 1997 with UNIXWare 2 and my Master Advanced Certified Engineer in UW 2 in 1998. However, I only worked on one system (that has since been retired).

As a condition of maintaining my SCO UNIXWare Reseller Status, I earned my Certified UNIX Systems Administrator or CUSA certificate, my Advanced Certified Engineer or ACE certificate and finally my Master Advanced Certified Engineer or MACE certificate in UNIXWare 7.x in 2000.

It turns out that I scored highly enough (and met other criteria) so that I could actually deliver SCO UNIXWare classes. My two UNIXWare Instructor certificates were issued shortly after I earned my UNIXWare MACE designation. I have taught classes in both UNIXWare Administration and UNIXWare Network Administration.

My UNIXWare experience includes:

SCO UNIXWare Certificates & Authorizations

SCO CUSA or Certified UNIX System Administrator is an entry level certificate earned by passing a single system administration exam. The exam is not easy, and is the first of two exams necessary to earn Advanced Certified Engineer status. My score was 93%.
To upgrade from CUSA to Advanced Certified Engineer (ACE), you must pass a second test on network administration. This includes basic IP networking along with service management such as mail, web, security, multi-homing and more. My score on this exam was also over 90%.
UNIXWare 7 Master Advanced Certified Engineer
Master Advanced Certified Engineer status is earned by testing out on a shell scripting exam in addition to the requirements for SCO Advanced Certified Engineer for UNIXWare 7.
UNIXWare 2.1 Advanced Certified Engineer I'm showing this certificate as evidence of the number of years I've been working with UNIXWare. UNIXWare 2 dates back to the days when Novell transferred ownership of the technology to SCO. I earned this certificate by testing out on both the System and Network Administration tests. These tests were different from the tests taken to earn UNIXWare 7 certification. I haven't worked with UNIXWare 2 for a few years as all of my clients have migrated from this platform to UNIXWare 7 (or some other flavor of UNIX).
This certificate provides authorization for me (and my company) to resell the entire UNIXWare product line. UNIXWare 7 Authorization is still required before an organization can purchase SCO UNIXWare products through distribution. SCO OpenServer reseller authorization is only granted to companies who have a UNIXware Advanced Certified Engineer on staff.

SCO Instructor Designation

Not only am I certified to work on UNIXWare 7 systems but I am also certified to teach UNIXWare 7 System Administration. To obtain instructor level status, you must first be a certified Master Advanced Certified Engineer. Then, you must prove you have the credentials and experience to conduct classes for SCO or their authorized training partners.

Not only must you be an SCO Master ACE to teach their classes, you must also score 90% or higher on the tests.

This certificate allows me to teach UNIXWare 7 Network Administration. The criteria for earning this certificate is similar to the UNIXWare 7 System Administration teaching certificate. I had to score over 90% in the UNIXWare 7 Network Administration exam plus demonstrate a high level of competence in conducting high-tech short format classes.